Category Class 11th notes


Biomolecules Chapter 09 Class 11th

How to Analyse Chemical Composition? Biomolecules in Living Organisms & their Analysis Steps for Chemical Analysis: Identifying Compounds: Biomolecules: Finding Inorganic Elements: Organic and Inorganic Compounds: Examples: 1. Amino Acids 2. Lipids 3. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Primary and Secondary…

Structural Organisation in Animals

Structural Organisation in Animals Chapter 07 Class 11th

Animal Tissues Animal Tissues 1. Epithelial Tissue Definition and General Features: Types of Epithelial Tissues: Cell Junctions in Epithelial Tissues: This structured organization allows epithelial tissues to perform diverse and essential functions in the body, from protection to secretion and…

Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom Chapter 04 Class 11th

BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION When you look around, you will see many different kinds of animals. With over a million species described, classification helps us organize and understand them. Despite their differences, animals share common features used for classification. Animals are…

Plant Kingdom

Plant Kingdom Chapter 03 Class 11th

Plant Kingdom Introduction Changes in Understanding Plant Kingdom Classification Classification Systems Modern Taxonomy Methods This provides an overview of how the plant kingdom is classified, the evolution of classification systems, and the modern methods used in taxonomy. Algae Introduction to…

Biological Classification

Biological Classification Chapter 02 Class 11th

Biological Classification In this chapter, we will explore the diversity of life through biological classification, from early attempts to the modern five kingdom system, covering Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and unique entities like viruses, viroids, prions, and lichens. So…


The Living World Chapter 01 Class 11th

WHAT IS ‘LIVING’? Introduction In this chapter, we will explore the definition of life, the diversity and characteristics of living organisms, their classification through taxonomy and systematics, and the various tools used in taxonomic studies. Let’s get started. Defining ‘Living’…

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